Welcome to the family, kiddo

"We're here. At last, just the two of us, gazing at the stars. As we should, since they always manage to stand still no matter how hard our head is spinning, and boy did it spin..
I'm almost sad we got here.. But looking at you, all happy to have completed another part of your long trek, after all the counting of days and the sincere effort... how you always wanted to kill me, how you'd lose your mind in whirlwinds...and yet, you never let me go. Violent... that you can cast some peace upon your soul.. at last, we are here.
I'm not as skilled as you at drawing conclusions and rising spirits... but then again, my sole purpose is to raise confusion, to blind the spirit and cause pain and strain on the mind...
Why did I accompany you, then? I'll try to explain, but you will draw the conclusion on your own after my scent has disappeared. I was a lesson. The target dummy for your playful mind. I wanted you to explore a fight, so that I would carve into you... a place where motivation can fit... where your dreams and your conduits can sprout and grow.

I know you'll be left confused. I know you won't want to let me go, that filling in that gap is hard. I understand. And I also know the real fight only starts now. We both can grasp its difficulty. Your foes may not be as clear as I was... but it will be ok. Today was the last day we shook hands.
Don't look at me as I leave. Don't try and follow, for my sole purpose, role..  would break if you touched me again. Do it for us, go forth, and fill the hole I carved with my filthy hands with the love of your kin. Welcome to your family.
Maybe we will meet again, should you need me.

Goodbye, young man, your training is coming to an end.
Please, step into the world."

-spuse adictia puiului de om.

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