Electric Tears

This... is a tribute... an homage.

It goes to just one thing. One single concept, one particular idea. Let's call it... "A verb".

So... what's a verb? A verb is the sole reason for everything about you. All the motivation, the fear or the lust. A verb is the moments of tragic despair or blind hopefulness. A verb is when you make mistakes, when you remember your first happy memory... or the latest failure. Each and every time you did something noble or depraved... it was a verb. Everytime you wished for anything... a verb. When you judged someone, playing the critic... when you were unable to understand. And hey, when you really wanted to help, when you had your best words and intentions with you.. that was a verb too. Every time when you head a song or read a page that made you smile... as well as every time something in the air made you feel comfortable and secure... when you could smell one specific scent, be it cookies or perfume.. when you've learned your lesson.. or when you mistook yet again. When you gave too much or too little. When you knew you were wasting on time on this, when you tasted the bitterness of hearing sombody you thought was just not worth it. When you were ridiculed. When you were alone, unacknowledged, left in tears, either powerful or weaker. When your pride stood in the way, and when it didn't. When you felt you were exactly who you wanted to be, just feeling right in your skin... accomplished, alive, breathing, grateful. When you watched the sunset... when you fell asleep as the same sun rose. When you picked up that rose, even though you shouldn't have.

A verb.. has many forms. A verb can be irregular, being set seemingly random... A verb can be in the past, in the present, or in the future tense. A verb can define you, or it cannot. Your choice is also a verb. A verb can be passive... or reflexive. A verb can speak the truth or it can hide it.

An adverb... that's a question. Who? Why?.. When? You're a verb too. Living is a verb... you can live in any tense, in any voice.

A verb needs a subject, never more subjects. There are no better verbs. Verbs have to be put together to make phrases and texts and stories. Otherwise, they are meaningless.

Not knowing is also a verb...

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