
Una dintre ipotezele propuse pentru dispariţia dinozaurilor a fost aceea că la un moment dat genele lor nu s-au mai putut adapta mediului înconjurător. Chit ca nu e ipoteza cea mai acceptată,  e o posibilitate destul de alarmantă.
Până la urmă, scopul ADN-ului şi al reproducerii sexuate este să ofere o capacitate de adaptare mai mare (în linii mari în orice caz).
Întrebarea vine... ar putea într-o zi mediul înconjurător să se schimbe atât de mult încât să ne întreacă capacitatea de adaptare?
Îmi dă fiori gândul... şi poate chiar se întâmplă deja.
Not to be overly dramatical here (I apologize for the language change here)... but..
We are considered to be anatomically modern humans... and it makes sense.. but we've been this 'modern' for several millennia now,  not much has changed. And for 98% of that time, it didn't have to.. our environment kind of kept to itself.
Then we began to alter it for our own use... the changes were subtle at first but our impact would accelerate drastically.
For entire millennia,  we were hunter-gatherers and our biggest fear were the jaws of a tiger. Then we slowly settled down... entire millennia...
Then came the current era... in which we went from everybody working to make food.. to almost no-one needing to make food... from exploring unconquered hills to putting rovers on Mars.
The relative tranquility of the environment turned into mayhem... all this new information, beliefs, principles, wars, books, medicine, sciences, philosophers, psychologies and technologies.
We are overrun by our species' desire to have abundance. Our economies tend towards being self-sustainable.
I've always liked to think of humanity as in its adolescence.. not very responsible... always seeking comfort above everything else.

We are just not ready... mentally, physically. We need to grow up, all of us. The best among the best are already crumbling beneath the pressure of living an imposed life. 
The kids found the matches alright..

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