

Not another diary of apology, of learned lessons through mistakes. Let it all come, cruising through,blending within yourself. Accept, just... give away the preconceived. Exercise, practice. Be naive.
Knowledge and lessons stand between you and the ability to assimilate information. Be mentally naive.
Not a lesson, no certainty in what you believe or say, merely observe the train of thought in its actual form, let it shape itself. Practice on and on. Do not even believe.

But aren't you addicted to reading quality stuff? Always expecting the best from the one's that have once impressed you through their passion. And you praise them...and you keep expecting better, always wanting more. And they enjoy being praised... and will strive to suit you rather than themselves... Like there isn't beauty or lessons or attitude to be found in the crappy pages.

Please, don't steal one's love for writing. Humans will be humans. Deserve nothing more or less. 
But don't believe it right away.

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