This slumber of all things

It's all a continuous draft of ideas, sinking and appearing all over again.
Shifting through stages, through certain patterns of emotion, with no beginning nor end.
It's terrifying, how you cannot grasp a beginning, only an end.
The present is so... temporary in the vast network of things... hard it is to rise above it and see it full.

Minds around begin to deny it all, walls between them and this network grow stronger... so obssessed with walking forward, can we remember not to forget the dear ones besides us?..

Even if the most discussed and debated subjects, the many questions that amalgamate into one giant cheesy novels-inspiring block of words... all this, are not answered. We used to talk in order to solve problems... yet now... talking seems to have become an alternative to problems.

The real problems are always avoided. Why so much theory... so much fear of saying or hearing truths? Do we need another war to reveal our true natures? Do we think that in an era of peace the average western human is incapable of violence? Loneliness IS Violence!

This slumber of all things... yet another lesson through the pain it gives away. It's a really cold shower we all need to take... one that would rip the skin off.

On I mistake, and I see that my personal mistakes become irrelevant. However, mistakes to my peers are harder to endure than ever. Draft after draft again, each attempt to create crumbles, energy does not wish to be concentrated... put energy around it and fool it.

Maybe I'll write a little more.

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