That which words limit

Happiness is not happiness. It is not what you're thinking about.
Happiness, that is, that chemical release of hormones, dopamine receptors and all that... that is reward. And it underlies fear and a great deal of pain.
Fear, for you will be afraid to lose it, thus denaturing happiness. Pain, because of the efemerity of it all. Happiness is a state. It's stationary. Mere moments. Time flows, however, you may take pride in those moments, but to cling onto the past, that is a dangerous path. Happiness is a blind way of thinking. It tends to make you think inwardly, forgetful of the entirety of the world and its mechanisms. It bathes the mind with comfort, it gives false securities, it allows mind to wither away.

So what do you look for, then? How to put it... peace. That true congruence between your projected model of reality (you can never know true reality) and your actions, mindset, ways of perception. A true belief of the concepts you have nurtured, principles, main ideas. Of course, simple theoretical approach is not sufficient, experience is essential. How else could you learn compassion, how else could you allow attachment?
Peace is not a state, however. It is a process of becoming, of constant self-check and self-change. Regardless of any emotion and event, peace is the process through which one interacts with the world. It is not self-sustainable.
And peace tends naturally towards disorder. It requires constant maintenance, even change of definition and concepts. The mindset it employs require a fully open mind, open to all the events of the suroundings: people, causes, endless questioning, healthy amounts of skepticism.

But think of all the wonders peace employs. Not only do you get to realize the astonishing beauty of the world (the times you wandered senselessly, or wonder at the great beyond of stars and explained, how fascinating knowledge of engineering, be it natural or anthropological essence; how the shared experience of ideas of people similar in concepts brought true shivers... happiness, yes, only a side-product)... but you also get to believe and employ the wonders that have shaped you into the actions that reverberate. Intriquate psychology and why people leave, are upset, endless wonder at the ways of communication that allows me to travel back and forth through times... the sheer size of the mind-space I inhabit... the nature of I... all linked. EVERYTHING is linked, from core philosophies to how I ask for change at the market. From mathematics to why I enjoy the songs I do, who I am. I.
All in a single continuous line of integrated concepts, the meaning of which almost breaks down when taken out of the system of ego. All integrated, past and future, frustration and gratitude, science and poetry... life. Living of life.

This is my illusion. Since it doesn't depict any sort of "higher" or "true" reality, it is a humble illusion. A bubble of senses and concepts. This is the best I can do, although my ambition would make me arrogant in my pursuits, quite easily.
I cannot expect anyone to bound to this illusion, I must not. The "you" that has been used is just the me of now. It is just a mark of a period of this Great Becoming. Only great, for I am the sole able to experience it, becoming, for it is a process, not a state. Otherwise, it's just puny, insignificant.

And my peace tells me that in both those that will challenge or accept (partly, of course) my peace, I will find only people among people, much as myself. What, not "only". I will find people, that is reassuring, that is hopeful. Only states of states of states, but people at the core, what else, how else? Should I look alone at the night sky because others simply don't enjoy it? Even if I were a genius (this certain I am not)... but even if I were a great mind... I would be nothing if not for shared experience, if not for mankind.

The realization of self has passed, now, the realization of all of us. I'd die peaceful and blindly stupid at the arms of my human love, rather that blisfully ignorant, self-considered by books, a genius.

Take THAT, Hemingway.

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