On being hurt: what everyone already knows

This is group therapy. Otherwise known as... self-therapy involving the gratitude and sense of belonging offered by knowing you have aided other people.

But it won't work. What does it mean "to aid other people"? Is it to help one manage difficult times? Ease emotional pain or offer material support? If the answer was yes, then we would be faced with a very subtle problem.
An organism that bathes in comfort, not having to face life-threatening challenges... is prone to decay.
Obviously, it is not that simple. Aiding comes in many forms... even a lesson, even though transmitted through a painful experience... can be considered aid. It's like history that proves how humanity is cruel... or how, as we grow older, hopefully begin to realise our own hypocrisy. It's like gravity, it never  misses a chance to punish us for every mistake and misballance. Yes, but the outcome is gorgeous, we get to walk.

To conclude... aid can be considered either offering support or a painful stimulus (actually both).
But aren't we... to all living things... either one of those things? Should I see a beggar on the street and refuse to give her/him any money... isn't that the painful lesson of "don't wait for life to randomly smile upon you, take matters in your own hands, if you want to survive." And if I decide to donate... short-term will offer comfort but... won't that make that beggar prone to thinking that life will ultimately care for him? Weird... huh.

This above is a very obvious paradox of experiences.
But it has one main disadvantage.
Since we are sentient... and generally like to categorize stuff... we made the association that comfort=good and pain=bad... in an effort to learn from our mistakes. Oh, but economies can take advantage of it... and soon we wake up forgetting why we made this association.

Always seeking comfort and pleasure above all else... forgetting to learn, to let one be forged by nature into something productive, not just an energy seeking machine... wait... energy seeking machine... that's literally cold.

Why is this group/personal therapy? So that we can look around and know that every single thing can be perceived as something to be learned upon. It facilitates love... love through understanding of the complex relationships we all have with each other and with the world. Yes, I have hurt you... but see it as a lesson, and we both will win... we will be able to finally love each other.

My fingers froze, cold as thy boring words. Blood rushes away from my extremities... butterflies in my stomach... Both a challenge and love cause the same Fight or Flight... and isn't this why we keep on roaming? Comfort and this era... is just a lesson anew...
Should anyone remain to grasp it.

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