Breaking down is irreversible

I am I really crushing my every dream with you with my emotions of enthusiasm towards finally discovering sweetness...
Pixels and machine code seems so perfectly sane, even if man-made... nature was careless enough not to povide us with the way of thinking capable of ruling out paradoxes and infinity... there is no such thing... it's just arrogance, our realisation that we are relative.

Or I should just shut up. The world around gets tired when you think too much. It's braver to just let yourself feel, clench in all the sweetness someone can give... even if nothing but a lie, I'd rerun it a thousand times over. For i'll never know you but through myself.
I'd rather have you in a million moments than for 3 continuous hours, however relatively similar they are.
Estranged overflow, I seek math and love, it would be enough.

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