Heroic Forget-me-nots

That harmonic struck just when the tram hit the rails. The restless phone call has yet to end, and my security has yet to be renewed. My first programme lies waiting for the world to see... But it's not finished yet. Phone call ends and the sun sets.
Sunset colors... one of the last things to allow me to act like a normal person. I've grown wrinkles under my mask, it's time to let the wind straighten the old paperfolds threefold. When he comes home, he won't be noticing me. I'd be left a discontinued spike in his eternal timeline, I guess I should apologize. Even so, it all appears melodic, with just a mellow touch of reverb from the chamber of crimson walls and biology books.

The tram hasn't passed in a while. I wonder if it's still up to get me... But it won't matter. If I don't get to live forever, at least the answers I long for will take me to my end. Answers are really all I need, confirmed over and over and over again. Actually it's just one answer.. to one question: "Am I living by not knowing?" Thinking in retrospect... if the answer is yes, and I find it out, it's kind of the end...

The Sun's so trustworthy... its colours haven't yet faded... even if I choose to ignore some of its beauty so that I can consume my vices... it STILL won't leave earlier... nor later... it's predictably there. But is a milisecond of waiting still considered patience? I wish we could agree upon this... maybe we would be friendlier if we did.
If only I cherished every effort, just as you did... if I could offer exactly as much as I was given... just as you do... without falling into other vices, staying true to the cause, just as I do... I kind of hate it we both have so much to learn from being together...
I'd wait in your place for the sunset, if you could bring the sunrise faster.

This is not culture. This is not drama. Just more than ever, it's a call to arms. EVERYTHING is a call to arms nowadays. Abstract and general, cold and damp in sweat, theories over theories. Lacking empathy, criticizing everything in sight. Never forgiving ourselves, hiding behind stronger and stronger walls, more editable, even deleteable.
The lies, the complaints, see how we're not in charge anymore. We're not even deciding who we want to hurt, or what we want to steal... anymore. Those were part of human too... where are they now? Where are you now?

It's a weird mix of the fear of my own efemerity... and the security it provides... I want to avoid none, I wish you will accept that you'll end one day, just as I am struggling now.
You... in a way... you're just like my end... you bring me security... yet I'm afraid that I am not what you crave...
You are just like the Sun... the end of a day, bringing the harshness and coolness of a still night...

Through empty streets to the harbour... Dreamers may live, but they're here everafter..
Lay side by side, between the moon and the tide... watching the stars for a while.

But you know... I have always had something for the way you smile. It's so peaceful and serene it's almost as if it's separate from it all. One thing besides my wind beyond my mask that could unfold my wrinkles, I believe. Even if it's drenched in alcohol and sex and what-not... it's the time on your own to getaway. Break out of the crystalline borders of damned dimensions.
I only wish you could feel comfort with me, I wanna hug you.
I swear I saw a bouquet of forget-me-nots handed down to a peasant's son one day... kind of heroic.

... I will acclaim your second of effort to not forget me, and I will be closer to you, closer to the next sunrise altogether. Thank you... though more is always on my lips.

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