An open letter

Poor ice crystals on my eyelashes... happiness is closing my eyes shut. As I vacuum the wrinkles off of my forehead, I do bow in front of this extraordinary machine... the human body.
All the words, encrypted or not, everything has been said, and my body tells me I'm out of letters tonight.

But here is an open letter to...

Dear body,
You're not me. But you make me. Through your filters, I am able to see the world the way you allow me. How all the energy stuck up in some places... to give birth to atoms and... planets and trees and life... and yourself and I. We both need each other. For I wish nothing more than to change the status quo... to challenge the seemingly unstoppable forces that try to bring us all to a standstill. Much as if I am trying to lift a rock that just wouldn't move otherwise. Why? I'll leave the phylosophy to other more able-minded energy forms. 

Thank you, for your muscles. Your tongue, that conveys the screams. Your eyes that deliver the cries and your hands that... those hands... For the lips that allow me to feel others' warmth. Arms to rise above the tallest branches... For letting your eyes and head move around to see the world, only to manipulate it.

Thank you for your eyes and ears. The crayons for this perfectly smooth piece of blackboard I was. Thank you, for giving me a key. To music, to others, to myself, to sight and insight, to emotion through strings, naylon, steel or flesh.

Thank you for a key inside other beings craving to manipulate. Thank you for her, and for him, and for them. Thank you for Layla, thank you for 3 weeks ago, for 3 months ago, for 3 years... all the time inbetween, all that was, all that will be, in advance.

Thank you for it all. For all the tears and laughs. For the constant mistakes and poor choices. For the understanding... semingly infinite.

Thank you, my brain, my engine, my brilliant machine. Phrases and equations and scales and behaviour all mushed in there. Thank you for your jokes, for the smile. You're the ugliest, most beautiful thing I could be.

I would be a ghost without you. Thank you for letting me experience, even while unconscious.
For the feet that danced and the hands that hugged. For the friends and familiy. 

The angry screams. My hatred, my lies, my mistakes, you sucked it up, and took it all, and never complained. It was me who kept whining. 

Let's marry the road now. Let's keep being us, praying to the chaos that ensues. Praying to complete understanding, kindness towards others. Let us bring peace among many souls, let us be thankful, for all that was, be fully compasionate, forgive the past. And live the moment. 

Thank you, Universe, for your constant laws that allow life and information to happen. Thank you both for staying the same, regardless of what I believe.
We will roam on, as we always did. We will be who we are, and nothing else. Let us learn and write and play and love and help.

Let us be.


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