
Serotonin, the hormone of happiness. It all derived from some extraordinary feedback (thanks, Raluca :D).

My brain signaled my blood to empower my muscles, in a sort of a fight-or-flight response, leaving my stomach clenched. A drop of cold sweat shivers down my tired hands, and my back falls in the warm embrace of a frigid wall. Warm, for i exhale living heat and my dormant nerves have been awakened.

Words just roll painfully slow off my fingers. I wish not to force them out, my hair guards my right eye from anyone who would dare enter my chamber. I realize my legs have taken the shape of a spiral, and my body is in pain from stimuli all around... my armpits cascade the dopamine sensations of an exhilarating heart.

I close my deep, dark eyes, which from not that afar seem penetrative, they have seen plenty. I picture scarlet begonias conquering the trunk of yet another tree. Spiteful, filthy spikes of red roses, against any wits, fight to protect beauty, waterfall into the abis, I fall with it and through its tiny droplets. The droplets, crystalline eyes themselves, they reflect back the scars on my tired face, tiresome synthesis of all the crippling sensations withing.

My muscles lost the tension, I am comfortable enthroned on the peak of my organic bouquet of sensation. A part of my mind, immune to any blunt hormone's effect, detaches... i can see myself from afar, and my door's open ajar. Happiness has flooded me, my ever-present pain is nothing but its shadow. I must not let any feeling conquer me, for it would make me less than myself, less sincere. I can breathe now, as the feeling was so empowered in almost broke my tracheae on its airy way upwards. I now see, how my mouth is like a trapdoor to my utmost cravings and feelings. Sun beats down at my windows, my cacti never cared for one bit. Their spikes could keep me awake.

I forget about the grease-stained keyboard for a while, my hands lie again, to the incarcerating ceiling. A ceiling that holds me from my sun and my obsidian sky, that reminds me of how i chose to be less free, with nature welcomingly awaits outside a connection to nothing else than a spec of dust that carries my name. Sounds familiar? Not only did I say it before, but you start to feel how us two are so alike, if seen from an objective point of view. A little compilation of atoms, some energy, striving to live to the full extent of its capabilities. Confined to a tiny spit of a rock, we call Earth. Furthermore, confined to a roof that shields us from nature and its dangers, and its beauty.

What's the point? Who's point? Me too, I shall confine it within pixels on your screen, on information in some memory drive. An answer, mildly philosophical (for philosophy is for the frustrated, I accept my mind is too small to uncover any existential, objective, truth). But just for the sake of it, my hands shall remain facing a subjective "upwards", seeking, perhaps... another pair of hands, to take me to the dopamine-filled plains I talked above.

Just a little dose of romance, I so much crave for this instant. Love, so subjective aswell... I have so much to write, this is going to be a fine blog...

Red or blue? hmm... Red

Today i broke up with destiny
She couldn't take the weight of the pride that glitters
She'd fly up my nerves
And she'd know that she serves

Tomorrow I'll be drowning..
In sympathy her arms be frowning
Light a fire at the top of the leaves.

Tonight I'll be forgetting my destiny.
I'll leave myself behind, and take her by the hand
I'd be kissing my child's hands goodnight
It's wretched eyes that feast
Of the soul of the beast
That I call my tree.

The two striped road I roam above
Is a tree that just floats
In the eyes of those that are trustworthy
My anxiety is like a rooster... not worthy.


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