Short text to overcome numbness

Goary desires through threads of angel dust
Dispense noble gardens and roses of her lust
Her eyes were growing eager with the love she had for me
Her hands I never touched and her lips I'd never be.

Si hey, ar trebui sa incepi un blog. Poate e o persoana interesata. Okay, I'll quit Romanian. I gave it a try, I can't talk like that for long. I hope this won't share it's fate.
 Maybe it will be better to expose all my thoughts here, on a spec of dust that is a miserable link in the depths of the vast Internet. So please excuse this paragraph, dear innocent reader or me-from-the-future, as i explore the plethora of possibilities that lie (yes, L.I.E, cuz it's all a lie for you, you don't see things the way i do, it's subjective, it's my organic perception of this raw heaven i bestow with words upon your shivering soul)... was i saying..? Ah, the possibilities of making a blog and my foremost curiosity. I'll probably act retarded in the first few posts. Not that I'd care if you judged me, but curiosity makes me over-analytical. I wouldn't normally be like this, for over thinking and over analyzing could potentially be dangerous. But trees wear hats here, so I'm safe.

*momentary distraction because of hazelnuts and a random text*

I miss nature right now, and being disconnected. I've never been that much of a nature lover (except from when we talk to the angels *black crowes, i rock*... and by angels i mean birds. My passion.)... but the other day, when i first got disconnected from everyone and everything in such a long time... let me take you a bit psychedelic here:

It was... blue... in the sense that the colors still held the reigns over the sleepy plains intermingling with the trees meandering roots... yet... blue was the color that brought it all together, a soup of color... and its scent of petrichor. I lay with my bare hands, my bracelets taken off, with my back against my tree... oak... its height, insurmountable... unfathomable in its display of rawness. It kinda... lingered with the footsteps of an ant. A leaf i so selflessly through on the still frigid, moist ground was now Everest for this little creature, to whom I seemed... death embodied. So subjective... but who is to blame, it was a spec of dust for me as i am to mother Earth... and she to the Sun. My hands were facing the obsidian sky, and all my muscles had just given up. My heart was solely coping with an excitement produced by my detached mind, observing this body with pity, and envy. I transpired emotion. It poured through my pores, and my veins were hardly wide enough to handle it. Guilt, fear, anxiety, frustration. Went, as efemere to me as me to the life of my tree. Connected, not to the economically succumbing world, but to my own hormonal wasteland that bears my name. I smiled, I was free. Self-awareness raised back to its top, I could once again easily be lucid of myself, judge my emotions and not let them control me, for my mind was subdued to my own consciousness, of a dreamer, of a failed lyricist, of an aspiring scientist, a lame funny guy, and of myself.

And i guess... something i wrote 1 year ago struck my recollection..

Let it all conquer, thy feels and thy pain
So you'd strip of the numbness you so valiantly gained
Let a sunbeam shine through the crack
You made for the mind the world so undoubtedly lacked.


*it felt good for once, thanks*

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