Ideas from the past that strike me in the present

Cu totii suntem cine suntem din necesitate.

I wish I were yours to be missed.

In continuare, o lista cu ideile scrise in 10 ani, in care ma regasesc:
  • Aplatizat intre o dulce profunzime care se prelinge si se atenueaza in multele ore de frustrare si un amar vis catre ce a fost si ce ar putea fi. 
  •  The darkness, the rain outside, the instrumentals, the urge to just write away at life, trying to prove a point to it all..
  • Iar moartea aduce impreuna, iar povestile deformeaza, consumul nu satisface.
  • Sunt în butoi, butoiul în ocean. Dar eu nu sunt în ocean, nu am voie. Sunt doar pierdut, condus de forțe ce nu țin de mine. Pot vâsli cu mintea mea micuța împotriva curenților de circumstanțe ce mă încojoară?
  • Peace is not a state, however. It is a process of becoming, of constant self-check and self-change.
  • Deci nu te plange ca nu ai timp, asta inseamna sa existi, sa fii mereu mai in viitor decat iti dai seama.
  • I can't remember if I ever deserved you, but you wouldn't know or care, for your world was too grand, your lungs too small and your mind too wide. So for your last rebel yell, let yourself know strangers and weird people continue making the world sane and average.
    Yours is the peace now, ours your legacy, and thanks, for as long as you live in our small lungs.
  • Why does the sunset have to be so much more beautiful than me?

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