
Showing posts from April, 2014

Years ago...

Fairly large an empty hall with two satin seats. You were on my right, leaned back against your own vertical spine, I was as well. You were watching the show from afar, seemingly attentive but rightfully distant. With the corner of my eye I was observing your every twist. Your torso twitching, in spasms of emotions, I took note of each and every one. I loved living through your breaths, having completely forgotten about the show in front of us. Distant... frigid.  I could have almost reached you, but my nerves were caught tangled in versions of what could be, whose instant happiness guarded our skin from ever meeting. Perhaps it's in the pain of having lost a battle. What drove me on my knees with my guitar in my hands screaming "Scorch" to the tip of my lungs. As i lay in bed that night, pain overgrew me, consumed me, i had no wall. Neither did I wish to have. Now I can recall my body twitching with your same spasms of emotion. I borrowed your sublime I could not rea


Robinetul mai lasa sa curga cate o picatura. Cadentat. Ritmat... ca un ciocan. In genunchi statea trandafirul alb, si cate o petala cadea, se prindea de un spin, cadeau impreuna. Ramasese mugurele vulnerabil... cresti. Iar mugurele striga: "Iubeste-ma! Iubeste-ma! Iubeste-ma!" Tu citesti. Iti vad ochii curgand printre randuri... vreau sa-i prind eu. Sa-i prind cu ai mei si sa te surprinda... sa ma apuci de mana din frica si sa ma rogi sa te las, e prea multa durere. Iar eu sa-ti rup o petala si cu ea sa infasor un spin de-al meu si sa-l fac perna. Nu-i rau la mine in suflet. E comfortabil, vino. Eu stau de paza noaptea, mugurele nu va ingheta. Prinde-ma de mana, incearca sa ma ridici, cazi cand te trag. Incearca din nou. Hai sa ne asezam pe o banca. Poate plantam si noi un trandafir. Sa-mi expun disperarea distopica, sau sa expir aerul mucegait. Nu e disperare... e emotie... e dragoste... pentru ce ar putea fi, la care nu ma astept. Sa stii ca te iubesc. Asa ca hai. Intu


Serotonin, the hormone of happiness. It all derived from some extraordinary feedback (thanks, Raluca :D). My brain signaled my blood to empower my muscles, in a sort of a fight-or-flight response, leaving my stomach clenched. A drop of cold sweat shivers down my tired hands, and my back falls in the warm embrace of a frigid wall. Warm, for i exhale living heat and my dormant nerves have been awakened. Words just roll painfully slow off my fingers. I wish not to force them out, my hair guards my right eye from anyone who would dare enter my chamber. I realize my legs have taken the shape of a spiral, and my body is in pain from stimuli all around... my armpits cascade the dopamine sensations of an exhilarating heart. I close my deep, dark eyes, which from not that afar seem penetrative, they have seen plenty. I picture scarlet begonias conquering the trunk of yet another tree. Spiteful, filthy spikes of red roses, against any wits, fight to protect beauty, waterfall into the abis,

Short text to overcome numbness

Goary desires through threads of angel dust Dispense noble gardens and roses of her lust Her eyes were growing eager with the love she had for me Her hands I never touched and her lips I'd never be. Si hey, ar trebui sa incepi un blog. Poate e o persoana interesata. Okay, I'll quit Romanian. I gave it a try, I can't talk like that for long. I hope this won't share it's fate.  Maybe it will be better to expose all my thoughts here, on a spec of dust that is a miserable link in the depths of the vast Internet. So please excuse this paragraph, dear innocent reader or me-from-the-future, as i explore the plethora of possibilities that lie (yes, L.I.E, cuz it's all a lie for you, you don't see things the way i do, it's subjective, it's my organic perception of this raw heaven i bestow with words upon your shivering soul)... was i saying..? Ah, the possibilities of making a blog and my foremost curiosity. I'll probably act retarded in the first f